The C.A.D. Podcast​
Coaching After Dark (C.A.D.) With Coach Kim & Friends
"The morning show for night shifters."
Airing Tuesdays at 9p on The LitTv Network, join the CAD cast for music, hot topics, cocktails & convo to keep our 3rd shifters entertained. It’s after dark so no topic is off limits! Hosted by Coach Kim and various co-hosts. Join us for conversational coaching as we tackle topics presented by YOU, the listener. Each week we will read true life questions submitted by the audience. We will also have guests co-hosts and spotlight various segments. You'll grow, laugh, smile, sometimes cry, but most of all, ENJOY!
Viewing Schedule:
Tuesdays at 9p onLitTv Network
Listening Schedule:
M-F at 10p on Attic Undaground Radio
Thursdays at 7p onThe MPN Network
Choose any of the streaming channels below to listen!
Be sure to follow on IG:@the.cad.podcastto stay in the loop!
Dare 2 Date Challenge is HERE!!
*** Enrollment for this season of Dating Challenge is Closed. Stay tuned for when the next selection process will begin.***
SINGLES!!! Earn points by meeting and dating new people.
COUPLES!! Earn points by reigniting the spark (or keeping it lit!).
It's absolutely FREE to play! What do you have to lose?? Winner is the player or couple with most points accumulated by the end of the season. Winner must be willing to be a guest on the show.
While you're out dating, take pix and tag @the.cad.podcast on IG or Facebook with #Dare2DateChallenge .
1. Every player must uphold the Honor Code.
2. Players must be 18 or older to play.
3. All Singles players must be single. The people you date must also be single.
4. All Couples players can only earn points with THEIR mate (Sneaky Links don't count!).
5. The C.A.D. Podcast is NOT responsible for pairing up couples or match making.
6. Players can only play one score card per "season".
7. SINGLES, After three dates with the same person, you are no longer eligible to accumulate points from that person.
8. Like / Follow @the.cad.podcast on all social media
9. Notify us of progress, you can even be a guest on the show (optional)!
10. Have FUN!!
Contact Us
Want to be a guest on our show? Drop us a line and let us know! Use this section to send us a comment , song request or situation for The Marital Truth segment.
Want your business featured on our show? Ad inquiries may also be submitted using this form.